Finish Along 2016 {Q 1} January 16, 2016 Finish Along goals +0 work in progress Finish Along goals work in progress
Sunday stash #2 - collecting for swap April 04, 2015 fabric fabric stash +0 sunday stash fabric fabric stash sunday stash
SacMGQ Bee Blocks February 16, 2015 bee bee blocks +1 Sacramento Modern Quilt Guild scraps stash bee bee blocks Sacramento Modern Quilt Guild scraps stash
A Lovely Year of Finishes Feb 2015 Goal February 07, 2015 a lovely year of finishes +0 goals a lovely year of finishes goals
Cutting it close January 31, 2015 a lovely year of finishes quilt top + wedding quilt a lovely year of finishes quilt top wedding quilt
January quilting goal January 07, 2015 a lovely year of finishes +0 wedding quilt a lovely year of finishes wedding quilt
Final 2014 WIP December 31, 2014 embroidery fabric stash new year work in progress + yellow and gray quilt embroidery fabric stash new year work in progress yellow and gray quilt